Sabtu, 18 April 2009


heloooooooo pink-ish blog of mine... :) im in a very gud mood today... hehehe when i read all of my previous blog.. i knoe its so hrd to believe that i was in dat kinda shit.. hahahha but i think i dun care anymore...
i will juz close one of my eye for him.. if things happen then pretend it didn happen.. coz last nite right after my sob time.. i realize thatlife is too short.. if u wana make it right.. then no other choice then leaving him.. but if by leaving him makes my heart ache.. then jus pretend ntg ever happened.. coz it will b alot more easier other than cryin on ur bed evrynite mor... :0
but fortunately by doin that he's mch more better.. n maybe this is wuds beset for me now.. walopun dia si cpet emosian n labil bgt.. t ad perkembangan drpd gwe nyolotin balik tiap ari
welll hpefully things will b better each day.. n i dun have to worry abt anything else anymore,,

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